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Forget Satin Sheets for Valentine's Day

If your idea of romance involves red roses, a box of chocolates, and satin sheets, it may be time to rethink your threads. With Valentine’s Day around the corner, we wanted to take a moment to unwrap the truth about satin bedding – and a better bet for year-round bedroom luxury.

Don’t Settle for Short Term Softness

Satin sheets may seem silkier and cooler to the touch than cotton sheets, but don’t be deceived by first impressions. That softness you feel often doesn’t last, as satin bedsheets are difficult to maintain, fray easily, and are prone to snagging. The slipperiness of satin sheets can result in comforters and pillows sliding off the bed, not to mention generating static electricity. (Hair sticking straight up in the air is definitely not a very romantic look!) And while satin sheets may feel cool, they’re often less breathable, which means you’re in for a sticky, sweaty night’s sleep.

Beware of the Blend

Technically, satin is just a fabric weave that can be made with any of a wide range of raw materials. One is natural silk, which can feel luxurious, but needs to be dry cleaned or laboriously hand washed and air dried. Most of the sheets you see labeled as “satin” are a blend of synthetic materials including rayon and polyester, sometimes mixed with a little bit of cotton. As we’ve written about before, there are significant performance disadvantages to polyester and polyester blend bedding. Polyester satin sheets don’t breathe well, trapping heat and moisture while you sleep. And because polyester is water resistant, it’s just about impossible to get stains out of, and polyester or polyester blend satin sheets are a lot less durable and more prone to pilling and fading. Doesn’t sound very romantic, does it?

The Luxury of Pure Pima

If you’re looking to add a little romance to your life and your linen closet this Valentine’s Day, satin sheets might not be your best bet. Luckily, we believe there’s nothing more romantic than true luxury – and there’s no bedding more luxurious than proven pure pima cotton. High-quality pima cotton sheets are breathable and get softer and cozier with each wash while still maintaining their color and strength. Stuck on that silky feel? Wamsutta’s high thread count sheets made with PimaCott premium cotton have the feel you’re looking for without any of the disadvantages of high maintenance silk or inferior polyester satin. And with a wide range of colors from bright whites to deep colors, they’re sure to go well with your favorite color of roses!
